Seven Days Till Christmas

'Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, how lovely are your branches'.  This Christmas tree is on display at one of the local shops.  Little 'h' and I visited this store, and came out empty handed.  However we did buy a new battery for the phone and an ice cream of course.  

New in town is this container ready for people to picnic in.  They have closed off about 200 metres to traffic along the lake front, and will allow just pedestrians only.  The second extra is of the view from the container.  Therefore there is much less parking along the lake front, and the Council are advertising free parking in the nearby Show Grounds.  I don't know that this will be a very popular move for the motorists.  Personally I think the container looks second rate. 

Little 'h' and I have walked/scootered 10,000 steps, and spent the afternoon watching/sleeping through the DVD "The Polar Express'

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