
By backwoodsman

Those of you.....

.........that know Gourock ,will understand when I whinge about the NHS wisdom  of giving a 107 year old ,whose journey includes a bus ride and a ferry across the Clyde ,an eye appointment at 8.30 am!!
And the ferry terminal is at the bottom of the hill .........the hospital one very steep mile away at the top :-O
And the bus service starts at 9 am !!!!
But this 107 year old thought he was made of sterner stuff,so set off with a  sprightly pace that would have made the Von Trapp family proud.
Some little  while later,gasping and delirious at the top of the hill he was greeted by this sight, which in his delirium he took for the portal to Hades........
to which place he is probably bound :-O
Needless to say it wasn't........just the hospital car park :-(

And they wondered why my blood pressure was a little high !

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