Big river

We drove to Salen earlier to talk cats with a woman from the Cats Protection League, its a good feeling to have made a start and we hope to offer a home to a pusscat or two in the near future.

Our three outside cats are eating the tinned and dried food although on these dark days we haven’t seen much of them. When talking about cats we discussed catching the little outside beauties for neutering, the CPL will help by lending a cat trap and organise timings with the vet, we will start organising this in the new year. It may even be possible to domesticate them but of that I’m doubtful.

Everywhere is sodden, we passed 6 deer a few hundred metres from the driveway this morning, it was a dark start to the day and they all looked happy to be grazing on the side of the road, not troubled by our lumbering motorhome. The car is in the garage awaiting parts, we know it’s coming to the end of its car life but again it looks as though it will go through the MOT with the help of a couple of new parts. The plan is to then look at replacing it with a Nissan Leaf, an E car, bet John suggests we hang onto it just a bit longer. I don’t mind either way,

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