Trying out some new software. I like it. Although that building's floating....And there appears to be a few empty voids.
Managed to get up for first lecture on time, with breakfast, and a cup of tea! A heroic effort if you knew how comfy my bed is, and how boring the lecturer is.
Spent a few hours in the computer room writing up a piece of work due on thursday, before heading home to be greeted by Bene who'd cooked some amazing beef something wrapped in cabbage, which he as kind enough to share. Delicious!
This uni really does have it's priorities right - returned a DVD back to the library late, and they've banned me from getting anything out until FEBRUARY. Really good incentive to learn they're imprinting on students - if you study past the due date, you can't study more. Very odd.
On a positive note, found where the postman has been putting all my post - in the neighbours postbox! So got a notice of a missed parcel, plus a letter from my grandparents, which the slugs had eaten the envelope completely off.
Paid the rent - rich for a second and then you hand it all over. :(
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