
By SLPlearning

On the 18th it's Warm Hearts Day

This week is a week of finding out about how adult learning supports the most disadvantaged to take charge of their own lives. 

There's something special about the journey an adult takes when they decide that adult learning is for them. It can be very private and something to be cherished, but it also brings great warmth to everyone who takes part.

People always ask me so what makes it so special? Well firstly no two journeys are the same-some have similar characteristics, but the people are different so it's definitely not the same.

Secondly no one makes an adult take part, so everything they do, is because they want to (that's a definite plus).

Thirdly almost all of them want to make a change in their lives, whether it's for work, family or just to get out and broaden the mind-what a great place to start!

Imagine if every day you went to your place of work, got to spend time  with 'different people' who worked with you 'because they wanted to' and 'they wanted to change their lives and broaden their minds'. 

Welcome to my world-it's a special place, filled with special people, all wanting to make a difference-it's like Christmas every Day-full of kindness, compassion and hope.  

And not too bad for a Tuesday!

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