Still Here!

By Yorkhull


In 2011 when on sabbatical I was invited to do a talk to government officials in Singapore. I I,pressed a couple of people who asked if I could come back and do some consultancy. I did though all the monies went to the university. Nyway the first trip involved some work in the notorious Changhi Prison. I was given a tour and had to be careful what I asked in case of offence. I remember on the way inti the prison I was asked to leave my mobile phone in a locked box. I had a cold, so had some some airwaves chewing gum with me. I asked could I take it with me and a look of horror descended on my host. It was true chewing gum was banned then. So he destroyed it but by the time I came to speak they had provided throat sweets in replacement. I had some good times in Singapore, though the country itself was not as interesting as Hong Kong.

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