This plant has had a tough few weeks. For a start, it had me being grumpy at it because it was clearly peaking too soon. Then it was bumped and its second flower spike was wounded - but I staked it so it was fine. Then last week some passing whirlwind of a child birled it off the table and definitively broke the flowers off. This one is hanging on, just about, as a cut flower.
(However, on the plus side, one of my Christmas cactuses is flowering with impeccable timing, and the poinsettia is not dead yet.)
Early start to make sure Mr B woke up and went to the airport, then podcasts, brief snooze and up to make sure the kids got up. Somehow resisted the urge to go back to bed, and grumped my way through a whole series of phone meetings. Picked TallGirl up from her strike-abbreviated day, posted more gifts that won’t arrive in time, and had more nasal passage searingly hot soup for lunch. A catastrophe was averted with the work I’m doing for Mr B, CarbBoy got to basketball training (though I’m not sure what his teammates made of my shouted speakerphone conversation about deeds and signatories with a boarding-the-plane Mr B) and pizzas were devoured for a very late dinner.
For a sick day, I think I did not bad. And it looks like Mr B can come home tomorrow after all.
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