Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...from my house (finch) to yours...

Actually, the finch is saying "what the HELL?" as she looks on with disgust at the supposedly squirrel-proof feeder. Yes, the same one that has a squirrel hanging off of it. Sigh. I can already tell that this whole holiday-themed month of blips is going to be a challenge for me. I am going to have to call a meeting with the rep from the Squirrel's Union 586 and see if we can agree on some basic rules of engagement.

Thank you for sending my boy, Rocket, to the Spotlight page today. When he heard that I was going to the craft shop today, he begged me to bring something home for him. So, I got a small feather boa that he just adores. Seriously, he's been wearing it around the house all day. And if you think Rock is a bit of a diva, then check out Max, the Mad Hatter!

Vodkaman came up with an excellent plan for a special Christmas squirrel blip. It involved a trip to the craft shop and will require a bit of construction, then a bit more discussion with Dave and then, hopefully, a very jolly blip! Stay tuned...

I awoke this morning to a soupy fog, so I pulled on some clothes and went to the lake to try to get some pictures. I got two that I rather like here with the park bench and another shot with a ghostly tree.

Hoping everyone has/had a good Monday! I'll be back later to check in on your blips.


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