Today has been a big Christmas card day.

In the morning I hand delivered 240. They went to residents - mostly pensioners - in 3 high rise blocks of flats. Top tip - take the lift to the top (14th) floor and walk down. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate. 

After lunch I put more cards into envelopes for others to deliver. Then I helped the manager put stamps on about 1,000 which will go out by mail. 

That's it. I'm done. My Christmas spirit has been obliterated. 

Well almost... at some stage "the" card was delivered to the Office. The one from You Know Who. 

I actually like it. It's a photo by Harry Benson - an 80 year old New York based Scot. I've Blipped his work before and will add a link if I can find it.* The building is the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow. I lived around the corner from it for 7 years.  

* I did find it, and yes, I did visit his exhibition.


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