Pandemic Legacy, Season 1, May : second attempt

Last time we played the May scenario, we focused to much on the COdA-virus (yellow), and not nearly enough on the other ones, which proved fatal for our effort (we lost just into the third round).
So this time we would do it another way, without the colonel, but with the medic (to clear out cubes fast), the dispatcher (to move everybody around), the quarantine specialist (to dam diseases) and the researcher (to move cards around much faster).
We started not in the traditional starting place (Atlanta), but in the only other option we have (Karachi), to be nearer the other diseases. Which all worked out fine for us, because, quite quickly we found cures for the red and black diseases and were almost able to cure the blue disease. Unfortunately we had no control what so ever over the COdA-virus, which is very hard to counter as it is, and we had lots and lots of yellow cards in the top of the infection deck. The picture I used gives the status of the faded at the end of the game, they have totally swarmed the American continents, with one outbreak after the other, making us loose the game.
So next time we'll have to begin in June, having no wins for May (but with 4 funded event-cards).
As this was our second defeat in a row we started thinking about different strategies afterwards, because up till now we have been concentrating on winning each game. The new thought is that maybe we should try to concentrate on some aspects, such as game end upgrades we want to have. 
- If you eradicate a disease in your game, there are some very interesting game end upgrades available
- if you build research stations and military bases, you can make them permanent. Same with roadblocks
We did this a few games ago with the blue disease, and we probably will try to do this with one of the others to in the future game we play. And certainly, ones a game is cured, eradicate it immediately, because that's an advantage you never ever do not take.
next game will be somewhere in January.

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