
By DancingAly

Diamonds Are Forever!

This is my trophy/award :-) All Ladies came 2nd nationally, making me a happy girl. Finally got home at 1am, and all I wanted to do was fall into bed. Actually, pass out was more accurate. I hadn't eaten anything proper all day, and not drunk enough to compensate for all the sweating and energy being used! I felt shaky and exhausted, but still managed a quick bath to remove tan and make up, and then crashed out about 2am. I heard the sound of the rubbish truck at 7am, but slept till 10 and felt so much better. Also I spent the day pottering about at home and unpacking, feeling a bit smug that they are all at work today and I'm not! I had an amazing weekend, and I am gutted its all over. Such a lot of laughter and camaraderie between all ages, and it did help that our school wiped the floor with everybody else! Can't wait to do it all again! Going to work is so boring!

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