Bag Beetle Night

Tonight was the last night at Friday Feeling until the new year, so we have a Beetle Drive with a difference. We all take 4 small gifts in a bag, the 2 on the table with the highest scores take 1 item they want from the bags of the 2 lower scores and give back something they don't want then move on to the next table. At the end of the night you end up with 4 small gifts but not what you went with. There is also a party with goodies and jelly and ice cream. We get people who go to the Chapel who come every year as well as mums, dads, grandmas and little brothers and sisters. everyone enjoys themselves. These are what I came home

Happy Yuletide. 
Today is the shortest day (roll on summer) something which may interest you :-
The Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world.
The Winter Solstice falls on the shortest day of the year (21st December) and was celebrated in Britain long before the arrival of Christianity. The Druids (Celtic priests) would cut the mistletoe that grew on the oak tree and give it as a blessing. Oaks were seen as sacred and the winter fruit of the mistletoe was a symbol of life in the dark winter months.
It was also the Druids who began the tradition of the yule log. The Celts thought that the sun stood still for twelve days in the middle of winter and during this time a log was lit to conquer the darkness, banish evil spirits and bring luck for the coming year.
Many of these customs are still followed today. They have been incorporated into the Christian and secular celebrations of Christmas

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