Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Sand Statue

Our fridge packed in on us this morning.  Yesterday it froze everything in sight and  when I defrosted it and plugged it back in, it didn't work at all.  We wandered out to have a look in the local shops, but none had one of that type in stock and so if it's kaput we might need to order a replacement online with perhaps a 12 day delivery!  

Took this pretty magnificent sand statue when we walked along the front in the early evening.  One of the things we like about Copacabana is that there's a bit of life on the front in the evening with all the beach bars, people selling things and everyone out for a walk.  Ipanema doesn't have the life on the front at night. 

PS I'm back blipping this and we got the fridge repaired - the thermostat had broken. Phew! 

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