
By JanetH


Oh dear, my red balloon popped over night. I was hoping it would stay until I uploaded another picture! Thankyou so much for all your stars and lovely comments yesterday. Here's to the next 100!

Anyway, today's photo. No, I know it is not C.......s yet. Our church runs a Posada journey from Advent Sunday. Our knitted figures of Mary and Joseph start their journey to Bethlehem (or rather, our crib service on 24th Dec). They travel around our parish, stopping in a different house each night as members of the congregation play host. It is a lovely time of sharing as the previous host and new host meet for the handover. It is all part of our Advent preparation.

Last night it was my turn to play host and today I will be taking them in to school so that the children can look after them this afternoon and tomorrow morning before handing them on to someone else.

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