Party day!

And also Day 7 of 7!! The school choir performed today at the nearby old people’s home. She loves that little trip- partly, I’m sure, because they get juice and biscuits!

It was also school Christmas lunch today, complete with her new turkey hat! But the highlight of the day was her seniors ballet party. This is The Event that she’d been waiting for. She had brand new Christmas jammies to wear, along with her turkey hat and Christmas hair underneath it. As a new baby InterFoundation, this is the first time she’s been invited to the party. At her old ballet school, there’s about 10 in this age group. At this one, there’s 50! Yet it still feels friendly and a small, welcoming school.

She had a wonderful evening, with silly class, games, hot chocolate (plus of course cream and marshmallows) and more. She didn’t come out until 10pm!

Extra is her in the turkey hat because I couldn’t actually look at her without laughing!

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