Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Scary Claus

We got up early and went to Boz the grocer for our Christmas veg. All very jolly and festive. Him and his team are at the heart of the local community. Parsnips as social capital. Relationships forged out of the sprouts. Avocados against social isolation. If you’re ever feeling fed up, just go and grab a couple of his bananas and have a chat.

It went a bit pear shaped after that. We realised that the paint we had bought was just all wrong. Several testers later we ended up going down to Guildford and getting a custom mix from the paint team at B&Q, but by then we had lost several hours of potential brushing and rolling.

In between times we had the ASDA experience. We only went there because of rumours of vegan friendly food. Instead we encountered these scary Mrs Claus’ who are bad enough on their own but when you see them mob-handed ... plus they had jolly elves on the tannoy. Imagine Gladys from “Hi De Hi" pumped full of seasonal Adrenalin and swigging Baileys out of the bottle whilst announcing and you’ll get a sense of how annoying it was.

Good news from Canada - TGR is much better, back at work and eating sausages. Had a great WhatsApp conversation at 3am during one of my weird waking moments that I have these days.

Shattered now and it’s only 5 o’clock ...

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