Life with Alice

By elirin

The Day Before the Day

Just one more sleep and then it’s Christmas Eve! Yay!! We went over to Grandma this evening to start early on the Christmas ham. The humans had it with potato mash, green peas and strong mustard. I got a meatball and a tiny little piece of ham. Very tasty. We all missed Grandpa, of course, and we will all Christmas, but we rememberer him and think about him lots and lots.

When we got back home, we decided to open a Christmas present early! Or mum did. And I said YES!! It was from Emmy and the Hazyland boys in Denmark. I opened it because I’m very good at present opening, and I got some awesome presents! A soft pheasant, chicken treats and a calendar. Mum got presents too! Thank you so much!!

Zonked out now. I hope Rudolph remembers where we live...

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