The camera is charged!

Obvs, don't expect anything better at all but my New Years resolution, many days early, is more camera rather than phone photos.

So, today. Organised our house, it looks less and less like a student house as days go by. Daisy even allowed one of her friends in today so it must be looking sort of OK. Before Daisy and I had a little outing where we accidentally ended up in Sainsburies. It was totally grim, we beat a hasty retreat with Daisy clutching our purchases in a teetering tower, I was happy to spring for the 5p bag, she refused to let me. (Although is quite happy to take a tenner off me for no reason at all. Just for the record)

And then we started our traditional holiday torture of making Will watch perfectly good and enjoyable films. He has a bit of a blind spot in this regard but managed to happily enjoy Zombieland. He scooted off after 15 minutes of Baby Driver though. I thought both films were fab. Before the films I had a little dance round the kitchen toasting my dad, love him X.

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