
By Tinks

f stop

Blimey Charlie! It's been a roller coaster since my last blip but I reckon we're making progress!!

Jamie got the job ... they then told him they'd like to start in just under 3 weeks .... it's been tight but do-able, I reckon, although we're not there yet!!

Moving house is one thing, moving country is a whole new ball game and whilst some things have been very easy others have been ridiculous!

My parents came over to look after the children for a couple of nights whilst Jamie and I went back to look for somewhere suitable to live, unfortunately it snowed and snowed so the school appointments we had made, were all cancelled as all the schools in the area were shut for the two days we were there! We did manage to trudge around several houses ... none of which were right, down to one thing or another!

So.... we've finally, and I admit, not ideally, rented a house which on paper suits our needs (although we haven't seen it!). A good friend of ours has had a good look and has been honest... and I reckon we'll be OK there!!

In the mean time, I've bought myself a blipfoto 'f' but equally have to 'stop' for now ... hence the title f stop!! (Sorry about the lame blip!)

I know one day, in the not too distant future, I will definately blip again but for now, I have far too much going on!

I look forward to blipping again soon once we're all settled at the other end!!

Much love Tinks xx

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