On The Way To The Dam

We were on the road to the dam, which is some 50 km. away from Chittradurga, when this caught my eye ... and how could it not!  I requested a stop.  The driver warned me that it was quite an old temple, by which he meant that all this paint was just 'make-up' and I should not be fooled.  No matter, I liked the entire cake.  After about five minutes, we were on our way again.

The dam is a simple one but a nice place to hang out.  Many of the locals apparently go there for a breath of fresh air.  It is too bad they do not have any garbage bins as picnickers simply leave their waste lying about and if you have many picnic spots, that means that a lot of garbage is strewn about.  We drove to the top of the dam and took a stroll, then went down to the bottom, then back up again to return to the car, a total of two hours.

Back at the hotel, did my post-processing, then lunch, then, unbelievable, I had a nice nap.  Housekeeping paid an afternoon visit, after which I went down to the lobby for the WiFi.  Then back up to recharge the laptop (no accessible outlets in the lobby) and watch some Nat Geo with AW, then down again.  No pool, no souvenir shopping, so ... I worked on the final lectures of the MOOC.  Unbelievable?  Not really.  If there is nothing else to do, I like to use my time finishing something I don't have to leave for tomorrow.  Lectures done, we had our dinner.  Still not sleepy, went back down and capped the MOOC with the required test ... and passed it, which I found hilarious because it is quite a challenging MOOC and it was noisy in the lobby as there was a formal Indian engagement banquet going on.  So now I'm MOOC-free for the next two weeks.

Tomorrow, we check out and head north.  The extra shows the dam.

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