Happy Christmas to you all!

Wishing all my fellow Blippers a wonderful Christmas! Praying too that 2019 will be a great year for you all. Here’s a poem I’ve just written. It’s not brilliant but it sums up how I feel about Christmas xx

A tiny baby with soft fresh skin
Lay on a rough bed of hay.
No midwife, no doctor, no clean warm clothes
Were available that first Christmas Day.
But Mary his mother held him tight
And gazed into his eyes.
Little did she know that day
The impact he’d have on our lives.
There’s so much spending,
And lots of stress.
There’s family feuds,
And people in debt
The children want the latest gadget,
But parents really can’t afford to get it
Yet somehow it appears on Christmas Day
Even though the cost doesn’t match their pay!
What have we done to the simplicity of it all.
The story started in a cattle stall.
Each year brings more wants.
And less waiting for things.
We must have it now,
Not wait to see what Christmas brings
The story is simple .... a baby was born
In a stable over 2000 years ago.
He came for a purpose which he fulfilled
That, freedom from sin, you can know.
Accept the best gift that ever was given,
As you celebrate this Special Day.
Remember the reason behind it all
And have a wonderful Christmas Day.

Karen Dec 2018

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