Christmas Eve Felbrigg Walk

I can't seem to sleep. Is it my age? I genuinely didn't wake early because I'm excited - probably the first time ever! In the end I got up at 7 and by 7.07 I was in my car and driving to Morrison's to finish off my shopping. Only a very few bits needed. It was very quiet on the drive in, and not that busy in the shop. I was home by 8. I made a cup of tea and took it up to Jon who was, by then, up and dressed. Daniel was up as he had to work today.

After some sorting out, I drove Mollie in to Cromer to deliver presents to a few friends. It was quite bustling.

Daniel got home about 1pm. Later than planned, we took a walk over to Felbrigg. Mum and dad arrived just as we were leaving. They were loaded up for a few days stay. We had a nice walk. Up past the lake where a group of swans(there must be a name for a group of swans...not a flock, gaggle, waddle or pride!) were watching from the waters edge. Only met a couple of other families out walking in the park, and it was almost dark when we got back.

The last of the wrapping done, it's now film time. First Mowgli and now the Jurassic World The Fallen Kingdom. I only dozed a little bit in Mowgli, that's quite good for me.

My veg is peeled and in the pans, turkey now oven ready, so I've put it in the conservatory as it's so cold out there. It won't need to go in the oven until 9am so if I can only sleep past 6 I'll get a lie in!! Need an early night, and with no stockings to do this year ( first time) I think I might be first to bed. That will be a first in 24 years.

Merry Christmas to you all from us all in a relaxed and quite sleepy North Norfolk village.

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