
By Ursonate17

Oh no she isn't!!

I've spent too many early Christmas Mornings still wrapping presents for the kids, to be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour now...
So here you find me at 3.00 am doing this...madness.
Overcast and frosty still this morning- made for a very slow start joining all the late food shoppers in Whoville.
Then mid afternoon, we trecked north to the Hackney Empire for our fourth and final event in the culturebinge, a traditional pantomime in the shape of Alladin.
We loved it all, WonderA joined in with everything (Oh yes, she did) while I sheltered in the shadows loving it too, but (as always) as an attentive observer not a participant.
Highlights for me were the costumes, particularly the extravagant hats of Widow Twankey and the magnificence of the Empire itself, still packed with eastenders, still letting their hair down.

Happy Christmas All....

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