Silly Hats
It's been a bonza Christmas Day. The morning was busy (like very busy) in the kitchen. Thank goodness for the help of daughter Janelle.
A pretty typical kiwi Christmas fare ...
.....warmed ham on the bone
.....marinated butterflied lamb done on BBQ served with the most delicious dressing season potatoes season carrots
....broccoli and bacon salad salad
....tray of assorted roasted veggies
....pavlova - top taken off and filled with berries and whipped cream
....boysenberry cream trifle
....assorted fresh berries & melons
Far too much and we've all over eaten.
In between mains and deserts, some fun outside trying to fly paper planes, and some back yard cricket.
No need for any food tonight, watched Queen Lizzies Christmas broadcast now we're watching a movie.
Merry Christmas from down under to my Northern Hemisphere friends.
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