
By negihime

window climber

my weekend in Thu Duc with Ni is never uneventful. this girl is full of energy, and she knows/invents all sort of games.

here she is climbing on the window to close the curtains. they were folded over at the top and were stuck.

one of the nights i was in Thu Duc, she got into a tumbling pose, with her butt stuck in the air. she saw me looking at her funny and she said, "take a picture of me! i want to see what i look like, but don't post it on the internet!" she knows i blip about her, haha. the picture came out as ridiculous as it looked, and she made me delete it.


today was the day my cousin, Chi Hai, got angry that we stayed up so late and pulled the plug for the internet. both of the modem and router are in her room. it was bothersome. it was power-play/controlling game, which i see a lot of here. those are pretty bothersome too.

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