Weep not for dead leaves...
"It started to change overnight . . .
the bright brilliant green
began to fade
ever so slowly,
giving way to a pale yellow
that crept across the surface . . .
softly, gently,
almost imperceptibly,
like night stealing upon day
on a late March evening.
and so, Death conquered my dying leaf.
but as is birth, magnificent,
so is death:
the sharp contrast of hues,
dead by living together- one bright yellow, while
the others displayed
spotted patterns of green and white-
animated the evolution of man
and painted a picture for we who
would stop to look,
and listen.
buried between two pages of a Webster dictionary,
my dead leaf remains a sight of
wisdom, wonder and amazement . . .
God's wisdom, my wonder, the world's amazement,
that Life and Death,
partners on the road to eternity,
are two great manifestations
of the Master's handiwork."
Weep not for dead leaves, by Omanza Eugene Shaw
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