So picture tells a story. I did local Parkrun with our son and 358 others at 9am -2! Brillant start to the day.
Our Crib "The reason for the Season"
Christmas. Baubles that say son and daughter a favourite hang on the tree and their a money tin!
Photo of my dear mum Fourth Christmas without her the star is a decoration bought at local hospice, Titled Christmas in Heaven - Very emotive..
For the joys and for the sorrows
The best and worst of times
For this moment, for tomorrow
For all that lies behind
Fears that crowd around me
For the failure of my plans
For the dreams of all I hope to be
The truth of what I am
For this I have Jesus...
A song some years ago by Graham Kendrick appropriate.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and understanding its a time for some of loss, uncertainty, loneliness may you have Peace this Christmas time..
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