Food for the Lonely

Out early for the half-eight service at church, when Zion got to show the church his new Indoraptor, though there were a few tense moments when it looked as though the pastor had overlooked him...

Our s-i-l then organised a full Christmas dinner for 90 people who would otherwise have been alone, and we circulated, watched out for the kids, and talked Portuguese with a lonely lady, whose English husband had gone into hospital. The food was superb, all the trimmings, even spicy red cabbage, and plentiful. There was live music from one of the church lads, then everyone got a gift, including us! The screen was for the Queen's speech, after which there were mince pies and after-eights; we'd already had Christmas pudding, crumble, and other desserts. One table was for a group of long-term unhoused men, who had everyone amused with their loud commenting on the Queen's speech.

Brilliant job, Sam and helpers! Extra of the pan of sprouts because, after all, what is an English Christmas dinner without brussels sprouts?

Oh yes, the (last) Advent reading was the same as yesterday, Luke 2:1-14, good things bear repeating. But the verse picked out was 12, where the angel tells the shepherds:

And this shall be a sign for you: you will find a newborn Boy...

Draw near to Bethlehem, to these places where the Son of God camps out, without rights, without words, nor even a midwife. Come near and be enchanted with his tenderness; allow yourself to be infected by his light.

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