Food coma

The now traditional Christmas feast at Sheol and Cathy's was once more a huge success, and he may have been very kind and not published me in the throws of the full food coma... I'm sure he has the picture and can only hope it doesn't have audiozzzzzzz...

Back home and we (ok mainly Janet) are madly preparing for the Chrimbo Redux tomorrow. If there was any decent tv I'll have to catch up with it later. I didn't see her Maj, but then again she didn't see me neither.

I hope you all got what you wanted, or even better what you needed. More family, more fun, and probably more feasting. After, it will shortly be 'on the feast of Stephen' even though there's unlikely to be any deep, crisp or even. Unless it be the roast potatoes... Final hurdle into 2019, people, in 3, in 2, in 1...

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