The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bottoms up!

I had not intended to blip swans twice in one week, but when I left work today the light was magnificent, so I decided to nip down to the park to see how the cygnets were doing. See here and here. My sister TMLHereandThere had recently wondered out loud if they were 'all grown up' now. As you can see, they are the same size as their parents, but still have some brown feathers.
Lots of dabbling was going on, and I've chosen this shot because the light was best.

A couple of humans were there, and they said that the parents would chase the cygnets away when they were fully grown, or perhaps they'd be taken somewhere else by park staff. As long as they don't crash land on the motorway ( which swans sometime do near here, apparently mistaking it for water) I expect they will be ok, as the canal is nearby and parts of it are being re-filled with water, following massive renovations.

I then went up to the exhibition of "The Book: a celebration" which I was caretaking for the afternoon. Having brought along a fiendishly difficult fundraising quiz from work in case the exhibition was quiet, I enlisted the help of most of the visitors, and we got about half of it done! We have also agreed to put up two people tomorrow night, who are coming to Stroud to give a talk about Peace News newspaper. Their usual inn has no beds, apparently.

Last stop of the day, apart from home, was the cinema, where I saw the new Great Expectations. Helena Bonham Carter was compellingly mad as Miss Havisham, the grown up Pip was a looker, and I enjoyed the scenes of filthy London and the Kentish marshes, but overall the film failed to move me. I preferred the version that was on TV in the UK last Christmas. Or Hugh Laurie's narration of the book, which was my indirect route into discovering the classics in my 40s.

Excuse my lack of comments; I keep trying, but my life is knocking loudly at the door.

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