
Called into a local eatery on way back from a run. Waitress sat us across from maw, paw & two weans! Have to say both wee boys and the father were quiet but the mother! Oh My God! This wuman kept asking the toddler "where are your ears, where are your fingers " on and on she droned in a loud voice showing off how knowledgeable this three years old was on all parts of his anatomy! Mercifully their sweet arrived before she got to the more delicate bits! The older boy aged about 7  said something to which the hapless father said " shush now were in a public place" Why the Hell did he no tell his blinking wife that! I was beginning to get heartburn listening to her drone on and on at this toddler while she ignored the father & the other laddie. Finally! it came to bill paying time for them , I was just about reaching for the Rennies by now such was my indigestion! Older son said" that will cost, mummy" to which she gleefully said " Oh no it won't", I was waiting for Widow Twanky to appear at this table side panto by this time! (mummy obviously had an expense account) Any way they finally finally left the bloody table and now the fecking woman insisted her two wee boys hug the waitress, at this point the hapless father perked up when seeing the ample bosomed wench with boobs like the Arrochar Alps but lo he wasn't allowed to hug (he would have needed to have come up for air anyway!
Why do  folks feel the need for every other poor sod to be involved in their children's dinning exploits in a public place and why do they think this is entertaining! She was about as entertaining as a foreskin at a Jewish wedding! Restaurants should have private soundproof booths so that these folks can make as much noise as they want but the rest of us don't have to listen to them! Now where did I put these Rennies!

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