
By snapkin

My Christmas message ...

I have to admit that I am not in any way religious, although I do respect the views and beliefs of others, but looking at the above montage and reflecting on the past few days, seeing the weather patterns of 2018 being televised, and watching that POTUS ostrich Trump with his head so far in the sand that it's a wonder he isn't permanently looking at Sydney harbour bridge, it struck me how I could do a tiny bit to save the planet. I accept that it will be a tiny wee drop in a huge ocean, but those cards, many covered in glitter, which we now know is particles of micro-plastic, the cost of production, delivery, fuel burned, trees cut down etc etc, somehow, this year, seemed to exemplify through their exuberant brashness, the heady and blinkered way in which we have all got ourselves into this global mess, so next year, I will try to send as many Christmas wishes as I can, electronically via my pc.
That is my Christmas message, not religious, but sent with a love of my planet and a desire for it to be even healthier for my descendants in the days after my demise.

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