December sky

A busy but generally successful day -

Arranged a haircut,
Sorted out an appointment for Ben to have two teeth removed
Went to Sainsbury's
Ordered a Norfolk Black turkey for Christmas
Finally ordered a replacement dishwasher
Caught up with my e-mails
Spotted a jay on our peanut feeder (first ever!)
Went for a dusk dog walk.

When I was out on my dog walk I met a neighbour who wants to have one of my recent blip photographs printed to put on her wall - I was so chuffed!

Tonight I took more shots of geese and sunsets, but I also had lots of fun playing with in camera movement again. I rather liked the moody feel of this capture of the Rowing Lake, though I was quite tempted to post some very minimalist trees. This has had no treatment in Photoshop; just a little light processing in Lightroom to bring out the colours.

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