
This shouldn't be out!
Another very early rise this morning and this time Son#1 departing, Himself doing the driving. I have gathered in mountains of damp towels, removed binloads of soggy nappies, and cleared out the tree which shed almost every single needle! Christmas is now over! Remember we did start early - 22nd to be precise. We all agreed it was an excellent Christmas, in spite of colds and coughs, and what a privilege to spend time with wee Esme.  It's now incredibly quiet and rather bare everywhere but I'm catching up with a few Christmas books - a guide to New Zealand's South Island and a book on holy wells, what more could a girl want.

We ventured out for a gentle stroll around the circuit - damp, murky and incredibly mild. Not much was going on but this little red kaffir lily stood out against the textured wall - usually appearing around August not late December.

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