
By Cygnus

Mum and cub

Well, our first departure happened yesterday, when daughter no1 had to leave us to go back home to Liverpool - she is back to work today.

Gustavo, an erstwhile blipper, flew in this morning to join his wife (no2 daughter) and cub and they are now off visiting great-granny. I hope they got photographic evidence as gran will insist next week that she hasn’t seen them since the summer!!

The Ards Man and I are doing grandparent babysitting duty tonight as the Precious and Gustavo are going out for dinner. The little Gusling has impressive lungs when she wants to be fed - evolutionary gut-wrenching panic sets in any adult in a five-mile radius of her yells until the little sproglet gets her milk! I hope that the AM and I can leap into action suitably swiftly this evening.

Wish me luck! :)

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