sometimes it's sunny

It was sunny today and the light was lovely and bright as I crossed the town centre in my lunch hour to get to the post office.( I have been experimenting with selling things on eBay and I think the staff are beginning to recognise me. The woman was amused yesterday when I told her that I had just sold 5 empty cotton reels..).

This is The Stove, which is a cafe and arts centre in Dumfries High Street. The sign changes now and then and it can be quite whimsical. Where the tub of flowers is sitting was, until recently, the site of a birch tree, which was felled along with some others. Perhaps they were diseased, I don't know...I do feel sorry for a lot of trees planted in urban areas, not sure if there is enough room for their roots or proper drainage of water around them..and then the air quality can be bad in bigger towns and cities..still, the trees did look pretty in the winter when their bare branches were illuminated by fairy lights. I miss them.

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