Weather station update
Last night I continued working on the weather station software. It can now read the current weather data from the Dutch weather site Buienradar. For those who understand the technical challenges involved: I had to set up a secure connection and then parse a JSON response that is bigger than the memory available in the controller. It all works now and the correct weather icon is now shown. I left the station running during the day, hoping the weather would change somewhat so the station would show a different icon. The weather isn’t very cooperative I’m afraid, so that will have to wait for another day...
The bottom row of the display now shows some information that’s useful in debugging the software. Bottom left is the time the temperature and humidity was measured by Buienradar. When I first programmed that, it showed a time close to 3AM. I thought I made a mistake in my code, but then realized it was indeed almost three “o clock at night. Whoops...
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