I had great fun putting this collage together and when it was completed, I asked Mr. HCB what he thought of it - he immediately said that he thought there should be a couple of selfies of me because I was the one who did the actual Blipping.

So reluctantly, as well as the one of us on a “Blipping Bad Hair Day” I have put in two of my Pinktober selfies.  I’m not asking him again, because he probably won’t like all the ones I have put in of him but that’s tough!

However, after the style of "To boldly go", it gives me a chance "To publicly thank" Mr. HCB - because I really could not have done 2,190 blips without him.  I’m sure that behind many a good Blipper there is a good man or woman who helps in so many ways.  

When I set myself a Street Challenge of finding a street in Swindon beginning with every letter of the alphabet, Mr. HCB was the one who got up early and without grumbling, drove me to wherever I wanted to go.  He then waited patiently whilst I took lots of photographs from different angles, which generally took about an hour, and then drove us home.

When I need someone to hold back a branch or a flower stem, Mr. HCB was there to do the job.  When I crept up on him when he was busy working in the garden and called him to smile for the camera, although he would often mutter under his breath, he always obliged.  Most Sundays, he drives us for many miles looking for dereliction - you are probably getting the picture - that Mr. HCB is as much a part of Blip as I am.  I may be the one who holds the camera and presses the button, but he is the one who is always there, behind the scenes.

He balanced on the arms of our garden seat holding an umbrella (bottom middle of the collage) and he posed with an umbrella (top middle) when I wanted to write a Haiku about Incessant Rain.  He has jumped in the air holding a card with the word “Blip” written on it (bottom left) and he has wielded an axe, pretending to be an axe murderer, (well I hope he was pretending!) when our Blip friend Heidi came to visit.  

If anyone deserves an accolade for being tolerant, long-suffering and also for being the most underpaid and overused model, then it should go to Mr. HCB.  I am so grateful to him and for putting up with my demands for doing more stupid things than he could ever imagine, but I’m sure that having fun together is what keeps us young and keeps us going! 

So, after six years or 2,190 days of Blipping without ever missing a day or back-blipping, I dedicate this Sixth Anniversary Blip to my lovely husband and super-model, Mr. HCB - he hardly ever grumbles and makes me laugh, and I hope that he will be by my side for many more “Blipping wonderful years”.

Thank you, too, to all those who have commented on my Blips, given stars and hearts and generally encouraged me.  You are a “Blipping brilliant”  bunch of people - and I send my love to you all.  Some Blippers I have met in the UK and abroad and some I have yet to meet so here’s to 2019 - and a lot more Blipmeets.

“If the only prayer 
     you ever say 
          in your entire life is 
               ‘Thank you’, 
                    it will be enough.”
Meister Eckhart

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