squeezetube art

Exactly what the blue substance is is unknown. It looks like toothpaste and is certainly well within the palette with which teeth-cleaning-pastes usually express themselves but the way it's dried makes it look a little more like acrylic paint. I didn't have anything to hand with which to prod it and didn't have anything besides a handkerchief to wipe my fingers on and would prefer a more powerful cleaning agent than saliva (perhaps a mixture of bleach, Dettol and Swarfega) after touching the walls in the tunnel/bridge which carries trains over the junction of New Street and Calton Road. I also neglected to notice exactly what it said, if anything.

It was nice to get out for a proper long walk after a week of feeling shite but it seems to have suddenly turned into spring. Even in the wind a second layer was too much when doing anything other than standing still, thinking cold thoughts.

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