
By LifeofEm

I love Research!

After 2 weeks of pre-testing fan 4 weeks of training, my first post-test week has started! The VO2 Max Test, you gotta love it.

We tried doing it yesterday. Unfortunately, my data showed the fitness of Lance Armstrong (on his stuff), so they were not very accurate (how wonderful if they had been right, it would be so fit!).

So today we tried again. It worked! There was a nice improvement so I am happy. Only 1 more Max test in 2 months time (around my 21st B-day, very exciting) and only 3 more times on this lovely machine in this lovely room (I can describe the stains on the wall quite accurately).

Also, changed my topic for a 14 page (double-spaced, luckily) research paper today (it is due on Sunday). Probably shouldn't have done that. A well, I am known for my marvelous timing!

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