ISO Forty Thousand

Once again I was looking for a shot, and once again it was getting late.
I was in the throws of setting up a still life shot when I noticed that the plecs were lying happily side by side and the water looked clear, so why not?  Well to start with there was b***** all light , and it was purple (electronic sunset).
So, as an experiment, I tried upping the ISO, and upping it a bit more, and wound up at ISO 40,000.  A little bit grainy (to say the least), but at least I managed 1/125 sec at f10, and after a few light adjustments in PS I have wound up with the blip, and the still life shot that I was thinking of will do for another day.
Silly ISO and a bit daft to think of it in the first place, but it is Saturday.
Many thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday (it is Saturday, isn’t it?? – poor old soul!)

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