Family Entertainment

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Cazza wasn't up for doing much today; she told me that she had slept badly and glared at me when she said it which is code for "you big snorey bastard".

Fortunately, LB was in much the same state of mind. I set up reality telly for them in the form of Australian Love Island. If you have seen the UK version of this show you will know that it involves five women idiots clad in high-heeled shoes and bum-floss bikinis. 

They are then paired up with five men idiots with names like "Eden" and "Abs" who are so heavily tanned it looks like their teeth have been given two coats of white gloss paint and who can make their pectorals jump about like frogs in a bucket.

The pairs then have deep and meaningful conversations about how good-looking they all are and then there are break-ups and hissing "so HE said, so I said" conversations. 

I had to leave the room. "I'm off to watch films full of violence and murder" I announced. But really, I complain too much. Cazza and LB love watching this stuff, they love having a good laugh at the people on the show and I could hear them hooting it up all day. This is why I put it on. Cazza has missed out on these sorts of sessions and I'm no use to her, for the aforementioned, "I hate them all" reasons.

Jasper sided with me. He followed me into the bedroom and just hung out all day. It was really very sweet with him chirping and rolling around and letting me rub his furry white tum.

However, Cazza, LB and me reconvened at around 8 for dinner and watched "Deadpool 2" a film full of violence, death and a man with weird baby-legs. Entertainment for all the family, I'm sure you'll agree.


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