Into the Light....

Today is a very special day for me and my Blipfoto Journal.  Today's post signifies six years of Blipping.  I can hardly believe it.  Where have all the years gone?  And what is more, whilst not normally one to boast, I have blipped every single day of those six years...... even when I was in hospital briefly.  There is no doubt about it, Blipping is highly addictive and posting an image every day became as routine as brushing my teeth.  It was made much simpler when a Blipfoto app for smart phones was developed.  I relish using my iPhone as I always have it with me.  But it has meant neglecting my big SLR s.  Despite being "retired'...ha ha....I lead a very busy life so I'm afraid I do not spend a lot of time enjoying other folk's journals and alas, often not acknowledging other Blippers' kind comments about my images.  But I treasure my Blipfoto friends and feel so happy to have Blip Friends all around the world.  Sometime I may head your way.  Here I must make mention of the Blipper who got me into Blipping.  I visited Roger Urlwin (aka Tussock Tales) in Wanaka over six years ago.  He had been Blipping for a year and was so enthusiastic about the whole process and the Blip Friends he had made.  I just had to try Blipping out.  So I came home to Blenheim and started on New Years Day, Using a remote shutter release to photograph myself in the Wither Hills Farm of my special "Happy Places".  At this point I pay tribute to the team in Blip Central who work hard to curate and keep these amazing photo journals going.  Thank you all so much.  I also thank all my lovely, caring Blip Friends.  I have made some wonderful friendships through Blipfoto. Thank you, thank you. This morning I packed up the Nikon and gear and tripod and trudged up the farm tracks to celebrate my six years with an image captured in the Park.  At one spot I lined up the camera ready to press the shutter and then thought "All I need is a person in the frame".  That was important for me as the Park is shared by thousands of folk over the years, all walking or running or mountain biking in this working farm among the sheep and cattle.  Then lo and behold a figure walked around the corner and it was my lovely friend Lynda, who loves the Park and has been like an adopted daughter to me.  So here is Lynda.... walking into the light....

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