Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Saturday — Houses on a Hill

It was a little too dark as I captured this, but I like it anyway. These are the homes on the hill above Spencer’s Market on Hwy#1 in north Morro Bay. If I had turned to look the other direction, I would see the Pacific Ocean. This scene reminds me of European seaports.

We’ve enjoyed a very relaxed, very slow deliberate day . . . no student papers to grade, no Christmas card to create, no bills to pay. Yes the carpet needs to be vacuumed and the kitchen floor mopped, but not today. This was a do-nothing day!

We had a few things we needed from the store, so we waited till almost sundown so we could watch the sunset in Morro Bay.

It was a very good day.
From California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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