Yellow Bedroom #2

To complete the picture from yesterday, this is the other bedroom we have redecorated. It's been designated Rory's room for now, but in due course I can see bunk beds in there for Rory and Joe.

The yellow paint was the worst paint I have ever used in my life. I had to phone the manufacturer as it was just peeling off the wall as it was being applied. Having worked in the coatings industry for many years I was pretty sure there was something wrong with it. They checked the batch number and said no, it was perfectly in specification. BUT,  a decorators trick they said, I could try thinning it with 10% water. i.e. it was probably out of specification viscosity wise, or at least at the top end. I did that and it worked OK. They sent me a voucher for another tin which I didn't need to use. Had to do three coats though!

New Year Resolution - I won't do any major redecorating in 2019. Should be easy to keep that one.

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