MonoMonday "Match"

For today's challenge I went with a set of mixing bowls that "match". They're much prettier in color than in black and white--bright yellow with bright pink flowers. They belonged to my grandma, who gave them to me some 35 years ago, knowing how much I love old mixing bowls. These are from the mid to late 1940's, although I have some that are older than that.  
The photographer from the paper sent me the picture last night, along with a very nice note, so for those of you who said you'd like to see it, I've put it in the extras since it's the last day I can use them. I'll have to pay more attention next year, as I still have 11 left! 
Thanks to JohnEdwards for hosting MonoMonday this month, and a very HAPPY, HEALTHY & PEACEFUL NEW YEAR to you all!!  :)))

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