Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Line Up

The longest New Year’s Eve ever. I mean it seemed to last and last. Waking up at 5.15am was probably part of it; I did loads more sorting and cleaning and generally got ahead of the curve (whatever that is).

TSM, Mystic Em and Strider were all working. The Dizzle and I went to a strange place in the local shopping centre with a big bag of DVDs and blu rays and got £50 for them. Odd experience. They have this forensic and monotonous process of checking, scanning and bagging what you are selling which is (I am sure) algorithm driven and based on continuous feedback about what is saleable and selling (or not). Kind of digital e-pawn. Anyway it was not to be sneezed at (as I said yesterday).

We went for a hearty brunch and then took a load of crap to the dump. After that we felt virtuous and deserving so went home to chill (I actually got into bed and slept for an hour).

As we had time to kill we went to the pub at 3pm for a couple of hours, doing a beer tasting and also inventing cocktails. Well a cocktail. Actually it was just an Old Fashioned with salted caramel syrup. But it was rather jolly. Nice atmosphere, not too crowded.

We had a takeaway curry early evening then watched a movie. Jason Bourne. High Octane Bollocks. But it was still only 9.30 pm so we played a board game before seeing in the new year with fireworks on the big screen. Preceded by Madness who were, in the words of one of their own songs, an embarrassment. SO old ... oh and without Mystic Em who slept through the midnight hour. And the two that preceded it.

Nice day. Weird but nice. In future I think I might celebrate New Year at 6pm, wherever in the world that is.

Happy New Year everyone.

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