
By Hillyblips

Beech Tunnel

'Uh oh!' I thought driving down the road, as suddenly there were ghastly, loud, gurgling noises starting to emanate from Tilly's stomach as she sat on the car seat looking a bit dodgy. A bit of a 'no brainer' really, in that I needed to get to the nearest place for a walk as quickly possible but without jolting the car so as not to upset the apple cart, so to speak!

We landed at Kemerton Nature Reserve pretty pronto, (not where I had intended going) which luckily was exceedingly close, and in the nick of time!

This gorgeous line of beeches was forming a beautiful tunnel with the dappled light striking through the trees and falling on the strewn leaves on the floor. Luckily for me in taking this shot they had put up yet another gate and notice to 'Keep Out', which I balanced on as I couldn't carry the tripod. 'Every cloud..........' as they say! The colours of browns and orange were just so autumnal; all was eerily quiet with not even a rustle in the undergrowth. It was one of those solitary moments of peaceful reflection.

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