
By Ursonate17


An early last morning of the year and a jaunt to Dundee to see the spanking new VandTay Museum.
I've been following the progress of this baby since conception and was keen to be supportive but actually found it disappointingly overblown and clunky, both outside and in.
In my humble...a better reflection of the genius character of Scottish life and design can be found in Dunfermline's newish Carnegie Library and Museum.

Then POOF !
Out of nowhere I bumped into an old friend from Australia...from Australia!!....There in Dundee...in Dundee!!
This added a wildly panto-like dimension to the day and we left promising to meet up again soon.

I knew WFT would take far better photographs of the V&A building than I (she did, take a look) so I was left seduced by the rigging of RRS Discovery, moored alongside. A structure sleeker and more eloquent than it's new neighbour.

Back in Edinburgh we just managed to avoid the developing Hogmanay hell and after a catnap, hit Porty prom, party-central for fireworks, bonfires and smooching.

A Happy Happy New Year To Blipsters everywhere

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