We collected K&J then all 5 of us headed down to Rye for a Birthday Breakfast !!! It was a long way to go but it was The Revs request !!! It was lovely to have this year as he’s usually in Greece!
#the birthday boys....lots of silly poses
#we had a stroll around the town...more silly poses!!
In the evening The Rev and O cooked a delicious Mandalay curry then we joined our friends to see in the New Year.
##we arrived just in time to play our usual name game...that causes loads of laughs.
We were also in time for dessert and cheese and biscuits!!!
##we counted down to the New Year...watching the fireworks, popping some poppers, drinking some bubbly and a session of Auld Lang Syne!!!
#then we had a go of Obama Llama...more laughs and a bit of cheating. The party eventually broke up after 2AM!!!...zzzzzzz

Thankful for...a happier and healthier year with lots of gatherings around the dinning table and travel.

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